Lost 1lb today....WooHoo
It is raining today...lovely! I like the rain :)
I have had a glass of orange juice this morning that I juiced myself. I am thinking of salad later today.
I made some white chocolate. I made Amy Levin's (Ooosha) recipe. If you want to watch the recipe's click HERE. The video's will only be up for so long. You can download the video's and the PDF's.
I have just finished pouring the chocolate into the moulds here on the pic.
I poured half the recipe into the moulds and then I split the last of it into two and added a few drops of Hazelnut Medicine Flower extract to one 1/4 and a few drops of White Chocolate Medicine Flower extract to the other. It is firming up now.
I didn't think at the time but the chocolate that was stuck to the inside of the vitamix jug I should have added Almond milk and made myself a warm white chocolate drink but I washed the jug out before I realised...DURRR. Ah well, I'm sure there will be a next time :)
That is all for today. I will be back tomorrow. Oh! We have our youngest grandchild, Jayden staying with us tomorrow until Sunday...should be fun :)
Nighty Night
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