Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Doctor Visit

BIG SMILES!! I nearly slept in this morning for my doctor appointment but then my hubby woke me telling me it was 7.45am (he is off work this week) My appointment was for 8.40am...ARRRGGGHH! I jumped out of bed with that doesn't happen very often:) I jumped under the shower...using the new shower rail and head...ah bliss! I was out the shower, dressed, eyebrows on, no makeup which is good for the doctors because they can see any problems with our health that shows up in the skin/complexion. I was at the doctors for 8.35am...WOW! I started off telling him about my Mother being diagnosed with bowel cancer about October last year, and I also reminded him about my Dad passing away with colon cancer in January last year. He asked for their ages and he is going to get in touch with the, 'Centre For Life,' in Newcastle to check if I need to go for the colonoscopy. I asked my doctor if I could just have a blood test but he told me he would prefer me to have the colonoscopy as this is accurate, whereas the blood test is just a guide. I will do what my doctor tells me, I am good like that, as much as I wouldn't like it! I may not even need to go for a colonoscopy, I will have to wait and see what he tells me in 2 weeks when I have to go back...I REEEAAALLY HOPE I DON'T NEED TO!!!
Next week I am having all my bloods taken and checked, along with my cholestrol level...YIKES! And then the week after I go back to my doctor for the results and to see whether I have to have the colonoscopy or not.
I then went on to tell my doctor about the chest pains etc. He listened to what I had to say, he asked me questions and then checked my heart, pulse and blood pressure (blood pressure is always good:)) and he is happy that I do not have Angina...WoooHooo:) So I am one happy bunny today:) I have been on a bit of a high today, except for when I dozed off...Oops! YEP! I did doze off for about 2 hours...oh dear, but I put today's tiredness down to relief.

I remember when I was a kid I wasn't bothered so much if I was poorly because we got molly coddled off our parents and siblings, but as we get older NO WAY do we want to be poorly, it gets more scary the older we get, and I for one come out of the doctors surgery with smiles on my face when all is well:)

I received another small parcel today, a DVD. Jennifer Cornbleets, 'Raw In A Rush' latest DVD.

I had nothing to eat all day, nothing until I made a salad at 7pm. I had romaine lettuce, fresh pineapple chunks that I bought from Costco, nutritional yeast and I confess to a dash of salad cream. I thoroughly enjoyed it too.
I am going to take an avocado or two out of the fridge to ripen, I do like my avocado's!

I bought pineapple for some of the recipe's that I have found lately, so tomorrow after I have sorted all my floors out I think I will make the recipe...sweet n sour veg...YUM! There were other recipe's which I will have to look in my book where I write them to see what else to make.

Now I have to confess to not being good at all with my raw lately and I have noticed a difference, I am constipated and very tired again, but happy in myself though, which is good.

Anyway, that is me for today so I will be back tomorrow...NOTICE that I have been blogging every day lately? I am back into daily blogging:)


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