Wednesday, 14 September 2011

What A Day

We had to get a new computer today because the new printer was ridiculous with that ole computer we had, believe me, when I say ole computer, I mean VERY old computer but because it worked we just kept it, but! The new printer dictated to us that it was definitely time to renew, so, today has been spent with my other half hogging the computer installing the internet, virus protection etc.

I need to do a grocery shop so I am going to try to pop out to do that tomorrow and then hopefully I will get those pics done and uploaded.

Apart from that I don't have anything else to report. My eating hasn't been great and it is my weigh in tomorrow so I will have to take what the scales give me and make sure that I start and think of my health etc all this next week and beyond and eat better!!
By the way, I am still feeling GREAT!

So, I will say, "night night" and I will be back tomorrow.


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