Thursday, 25 August 2011


Up at my usual of 6.00am -showered, hair washed. I still need to have breakfast, I think it will be fruit afterall, it is best to eat only fruit until midday, so fruit it is this morning.

It is dark and raining, nice though. I will just have to have an uncooking day today, all cozy in the kitchen. I made a raw cheese last night which is still fermenting, it's looking good! I will take pics when it is done.

Raw Cheese
2 C Almonds, soaked 8-12 hours and skinned
1 C spring water (I used my water from my Eva filter which filters the water to spring water)
a couple of probiotic caps

Vitamix everything together
Put into a strainer lined with a cheese cloth
Leave to ferment for 12 - 48 hours
After this time, mix in 2-4tb Nutritional yeast, depending how cheesey you like it and a little salt
Put into a mould and shape
You can dehydrate it to form a crust.
Keeps for about 3 days in the fridge

I am hoping to make some dehydrated goodies today i.e. crackers, bacon, kale chips, popcorn.
I also want to make some bread and hummous...YUM!

I will be back later today.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

End Of Rawsummer Challenge

Well, that is another challenge over and again, I haven't done so well. I'm not sure if I am going to start another challenge or just try to stay raw.

I have been making a few raw recipe's lately and tonight I am going to make a sweet n sour sauce, I want to have it with a plate of veg for my evening meal tomorrow.
I am going to be making lots more recipe's because I am getting right in the mood for uncooking lately which is good!
My breakfast this last week has been rolled oats, dates, chopped fruit and almond milk and I have been enjoying it.
Lately I have made strawberry milkshakes, cupcakes and almond flour, I'm sure there was more but I can't remember.

Okay then, watch this space because there is going to be recipe's and pics and monthly buy's.

Speak tomorrow.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

August Buy

Not a lot happening today. I dozed off this morning, I just felt SOO tired. I haven't been so good today, I have eaten a couple of snacky, cheapy Mars bars...TUT TUT.

The weather is terrible here lately and it was quite cold this morning, fine by me because I dont like the heat so much.

Here is my August buy, a Samson Sonic Food Washer. My hubby wont have a sandwich made with lettuce the day after buying the lettuce because it tastes old to him but I made him a sandwich with lettuce that was nearly a week old but washed in the Sonic first and he said it was so fresh and tasted cleaner, when I told him the lettuce was nearly a week old he couldn't believe it, that is how good this machine is...worth every penny:

Back tomorrow.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Not Nice!

I let my oldest son, Michael use my car yesterday which was fine. Later in the day I went to pick my hubby up from work, I don't bother to drive when he is around so as I got into the passenger seat I noticed a large scratch right beside the passenger door handle......GRRR I know that it was Michael's nasty piece of work of a girlfriend who done it because firstly, she doesn't drive and would have used the passenger door and secondly, I don't want her back in my house for reasons I wont go into, but nor would you if you knew why!!! I know it was her FOR SURE! She has done evil things against us before, she is the type that likes to get her own sad eh?!?! And all because she done quiet a serious thing to me so I told her not to come back to my home again and I cant and wont forgive her, not any more, I mean, have I got to just allow her to commit crimes etc against me and mine?!?! NO!!!...I am done forgiving her now! She has threatened to damage our car before. Yes, I know! More fool me for allowing Michael to use my car knowing that she would be in the car...lesson learnt!!

Anyway, When I picked my hubby up we went to buy my coconuts, I couldn't go without them...teehee On our way back we went to Tesco and the Nutri Centre to buy some Coconut flour so I can make some recipe's from an Ebook I bought yesterday for raw cupcakes...YUM!

I am going to take a pic of my August buy tomorrow so you are going to have to pop back to see what it is, it's a BRILLIANT piece of kit! I love it!! I had to order it in from America because places in the UK have stopped selling it because there wasn't the demand for it. Places in the UK used to sell it, I have seen it in some of my favourite online places but then I stopped seeing it, ah well! I have mine now.

Today has just been housework.
Back tomorrow with my pic.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Should I or Shouldn't I??...

keep blogging, that is what I have been asking myself for some time now, but I have decided to keep blogging but to be consistent, it's no good blogging once every so many weeks, I need to be accountable if I am to succeed.

Yesterday we went out for our big grocery shop. We were in Asda at about 7.00am and it was bliss! There was barely anyone there and they had minimal lighting, it felt very cozy and a pleasure to be in Asda. When we came home I put some things away and had a cup of coffee, yes! I know, the caffene, I will come off coffee eventually but it will be one of the last things that I do. We then went to town to post a parcel and I remembered that I forgot a letter that I also needed to post....drat! I will have to go back to town in the next day or so, good excuse to walk and get some exercise! Then to the sweetie stall for Cinder Toffee for my Dad, he is quite partial to Cinder Toffee afterall, it was his Birthday....yesterday....TUT TUT we are a day late. After town we went to a shop my hubby wanted to go to then we went to Tesco for my sweet onions and a box of Mango's and then finally to Costco... I LOVE THAT PLACE! I stocked up on a load of fresh fruit and veg at Costco. On our way back we went to my Dads to drop his Cinder Toffee and belated Birthday cards....shocking not getting to my dads until a day after his Birthday, I need my wrists slapped. We love going to my Dads and I just LOVE to give hime wrong for various things....getting my own back for him giving me wrong when I was a, not really but I do tend to give him wrong....teehee
When we got home I realised that I forgot to get my Green Coconuts...ARRRGGHH! I didn't go back for them.

Oh! I didn't post my July buy pic did I? Here it is:

EVA 12L Water Filter.

This filter is FANTASTIC! The things it filters out is amazing. The water goes through 8 different filters literally one drop at a time so of course it takes a little while to filter water, about 1 hour per 1 litre. It produces Spring water. If anyone wants to read more about this then click EVA

Here is just a SMALL description also.

General Description :

The Ultimate filter: the most complete filter cartridge in Europe. Volcanic rocks and remineralisation: EVA water filtration technology lets you drink remineralised water close to the best natural waters…

Thanks to its unique filtration process, the volcanic rocks on different levels of filtration, release a mineral complement rich in oligo-elements, that helps your body get the elements essential for a good physiological balance.

Selected and extracted from regions far away from human pollution, the EVA rocks diffuse a number of minerals into the filtered and purified water. These rocks also help with the stabilization of the pH level of the water after filtration.

Eva Advanced Water Filtration System:

    * Is healthy
    * Is economical
    * Eco-friendly
    * Provides an unlimited guarantee
    * Is accredited and scientifically proven by independent laboratories
    * Comes complete
    * Ideal for the home or small office (Dimensions: 65cm x 25-32cm)

Eva is considered to be the best natural gravity filtration system.

It really is a good filter.

Today, I am going to do some laundry and general tidying around. OH!! I just remembered, I bought Abeba's NEWEST Krazy Kracker book, I have all of Abeba's books now...WooHoo

ABEBA'S More Lip Smackin Favourites

Right then, that is all for now. Keep checking back because I am going to blog regularly!

Monday, 1 August 2011

It's FINALLY Lifting

My depression is finally starting to lift....again! AND my ears have FINALLY cleared up also! Boy! That was a bad ear infection, it went into each ear twice, doesn't matter now because it has cleared up, that is the main thing.
WOW! What a miserable summer we have had weather wise, it is raining now...again!

I have been catching up with my housework rota. I must get back into my exercise and beauty routine. I created my routines to make things easier, although, it doesn't matter how easy I try to make it because nothing is easy when depressed but positive thinking again, the main thing is the depression is lifting...WoooHooo.

I will be getting my July buy pic posted and as it is August I will have to think about my August buy and pic on here.

Remember me telling you about buying the size 20 trousers for something that was looming? Well, THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE!! Because I don't need to be there now....PHEW! I was somewhat dreading it but I still wont say what it was at the moment.

Oh! I lost on the scales again in last Friday's weigh in, only 0.7 but it all counts, adds up.

Well, I will be back tomorrow.